Hosho Tutorials + ‘Play Along’ Tracks
Hosho are maracas-like shakers that accompany mbira music. The patterns they play often disorient non-Zimbabwean listeners.
The first short sharp shake typically marks out the beat (shown in our notation with grey tabs). This is usually followed by a louder ‘swoosh’ or more ‘spicy’ shuffle - as demonstrated in the videos below. Nyamasvisva also claps on the beat to help reinforce it for us.
For advanced mbira players, the beat might better be though of as ‘a point of orientation’ than ‘a point of emphasis’. Simpler mbira parts emphasise it, as do many clappers, dancers and drummers, but skilled participants infuse the music with syncopation by placing emphasis elsewhere.
Mbira.Online subscriber, Adam Johnson has kindly put together some play along practice tracks for us - in both styles, each available in three speeds (slow, medium + fast). You can download these inside your free Mbira Essentials pack.