Buy Mbira Instruments

New and Used Mbira Instruments For Sale

New Mbira Instruments For Sale

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This option empowers mbira makers and saves you ‘middle-man’ fees.

Get the exact instrument you’re looking for and avoid common pitfalls - read our mbira buying guide before sending any money.

Instrument photos, prices and contact details of trusted mbira makers inside your free ‘Mbira Essentials’ download.

Mbira Magic

Beautiful instruments by Gift Chigede. Shipped from the UK. £240+postage (£25 discount for Mbira.Online ‘Gold’ Subscribers).

Preferred mbira maker of Forward Kwenda (watch videos of Gift Chigede’s D Nyamaropa tuned mbira played by Forward).

View current instruments and make an enquiry (special orders accepted) here: @mbiramagic on Instagram.


Various Makers (varying qualities). Shipped from the US. $300-$445+postage.

Hosho (shakers) and Deze (gourd resonators) also available.

Visit the Mbira.Org store and order your instruments here.

Deze from Samson Bvure

Samson produces fibreglass Deze (traditional gourd style mbira amplifiers) with a variety of designs.

Only $40 + postage!

This link takes you to Samson’s product catalog on whatsapp - please ask him for photos of current styles. He offers traditional Retso (shown) in red or blue, transparent, single colour, other fabrics, and animal totems!

Used/Discount Mbira Instruments For Sale

Mbira friends around the world have the following instruments for sale.

Enquiries direct to seller please - Mbira.Online takes no responsibility for the accuracy of these listings

Heather Scharlack - Used Mbiras for Sale from USA

Please check your preferred mbira isn’t listed as ‘Sold’ (below) before emailing Heather: heathers @ asis . com (without spaces).

✅ Available

Betty Weiss - Used ‘Excellent Condition’ Mbira for Sale from USA

Check your preferred mbira isn’t listed as ‘Sold’ (below video) before emailing Betty: chatbetty @ gmail . com (without spaces).

Extra comments from Betty:

Nyamaropa tuning. Cosmas Magaya pitch in excellent condition. Made by Samson Bvure (2017?).

Has decorative carving on the back (a stack of 3 deze?). Keys held down with metal strap and bolts, not wire.

Weight: 3 lbs

Price: $250 (US) or best offer + shipping

Samson Bvure, Bb Nyamaropa Mbira - 7” X 8 3/4”

✅ Available

Gabriel Zutrau - Used Mbiras for Sale from USA

Please check your preferred mbira isn’t listed as ‘Sold’ (below) before emailing Gabriel: zutrau @ gmail . com (without spaces).

From Left to Right, and Top to Bottom:

1. Njari 32 keys, unknown maker, 18cm X 20cm - $260 + postage ✅ Available

2. B nyamaropa mbira, made by Tapfumaneyi Mushoshoma, 20cm X 24cm - $240 + postage ⛔️ Sold

3. 26 key G# nyamaropa, maker believed to be Mhlanga, 18cm X 22cm - $260 + postage ✅ Available

4. G# nyamaropa, unknown maker, 19cm X 25cm - $185 + postage ✅ Available

5. G mavembe, unknown maker, 19cm X 23cm - $240 + postage ⛔️ Sold

6. Low E nyamaropa, made by Jona Wazara, 24cm X 25cm - $240 + postage ✅ Available

Matepe, made by Chief Goronga, Boyi Nyamande - $320 each + postage 1 ⛔️ Sold / 1 ✅ Available

From Left to Right, and Top to Bottom:

  1. High C “dambatsoko” aka mahororo tune made by Stanley Mujuru, 21cm x 22cm - $250 + postage ✅ Available

  2. High E mavembe made by Pasivilius Tandi, 20cm x 23cm - $275 + postage ✅ Available

  3. B nyamaropa made by Leonard Chiyanike, 21cm x 23cm - $265 + postage ✅ Available

  4. High E nyamaropa unknown maker, 19cm x 21cm - $265 + postage ⛔️ Sold

  5. G nyamaropa unknown maker, 20cm x 21cm - $265 + postage ⛔️ Sold

  6. High D nyamaropa made by Lovemore Salari, 20cm x 23cm - $265 + postage ✅ Available

Bb nyamaropa aka Cosmas Magaya tuning made by Wiriranai Chigonga, 19cm x 22cm - $285 + postage ✅ Available

Mbira Buying Guide

  • Get advice on Choosing and Buying your next mbira instrument.

  • Explore Tunings, Pitches, Instrument Layouts + Sizes, Materials + Construction.

  • Understand Pricing, and the differences between Mbira Makers.

  • Avoid the most common ‘buyer mistakes’.